This new guide offers travel advice and suggestions regarding the accessible touristic places in the European quarter and is destined to persons with reduced mobility. Later on, this guide should be useful for all persons with a disability. For travel agencies, this guide could be a practical tool and could stimulate service providers to ’do better’ such as transport or lodging. Ultimately, this guide could be interesting for all visitors concerned about their comfort and safety during their travels. Essentially this document identifies all accessible places (hotels, restaurants, pubs, fast‐food, shops, public services, post offices, banks, pharmacies, doctors,…) in the European quarter.
The more places are visited and the more evaluations are made up, the more this document and the list can change. Later on, a smartphone application should be available or labeling with the « Access-i » method.
Contact :
Miguel Gerez – AMT Concept asbl/vzw
5/4 Rue Auguste Renoir – 1140 Evere
00 32 2 7050348 – 0032 (0) 477 318607
Facebook : amtconcept
“Agréé par la Commission Communautaire française”
This guide has been realized with the support of :
The Brussels Capital Region. The team of the Minister-president of the Brussels Capital Region in charge of Tourism and the Image of Brussels. The team of ATRIUM. The team of
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