Where to find an accessible public toilet in Brussels ?

Friday 20 November 2020

As cafes and restaurants are closed due to Covid-19, finding an accessible toilet for a person with reduce mobility (PRM) becomes a real issue when traveling in the city.

Travelling and moving for people with disabilities has been and continues to be strongly affected by health measures. In addition, the actions taken by the Government to face the mobilities challenges linked to the deconfinement are a source of fears and question for many people with disabilities.

It is essential that the disability dimension is, systematically, taken into account. Even in the context of temporary measures taken in an emergency state.

As you can see, multiple issues concerning PRM mentioned in the Commission’s opinion are not fundamentally new but they are exacerbated by the current health crisis and require, as such, special attention and urgent care. There is also a huge lack of information regarding access to toilets for PRMs.

During the pandemic and even in normal times, some public bathrooms don’t even offer the respect of minimum hygiene measures. Are there other alternatives, such as public administrations, municipalities or others ?
How can we answer this tricky question, given that the health crisis has been prolonged and is far from over!

The page dedicated to toilets, on Handy.Brussels : https://handy.brussels/en/tourisme/toilettes/


“Tourism for everyone ” this is what ‘AMT CONCEPT’ is aiming for with the guide ” Handy.Brussels / Brussels for All “.  This site offers a diagnosis of accessiblity for the persons with reduced mobility. In 2017 brusselsforall.be changes in a ‘Web App’ adapted to all devices. New structure, better content and grafic interface, new 

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The guide

Brussels for all becomes Handy.Brussels to make Brussels even more handy and accessible to all. Users of Brussels For All will find back the structure they know in Handy.Brussels: THE GUIDE: is the heart of the site, TRANSPORT: useful pages to arrive in Brussels and to circulate there, PRACTICAL: valuable information about, tourism, associations, health, 

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