The goal of AMT Concept is to develop all kinds of actions to improve the accessibility of the public spaces, transport and buildings in order to allow the persons with reduced mobility to be independent.
The notion ” persons with reduced mobility “, in other words, the person who is, for different reasons, temporary or permanently confronted with a limitation of his mobility, is the most interesting element for us because it takes into account different parameters that are connected to different types of possible present deficiencies (visual, hearing, the legs) or other limitations (baby carriage, pregnancy, age …).
This vision of mobility and transportations applies to a larger population and this enlarges the debate. The disability of a few gets the more dynamic notion of disability due to a situation. Through certain actions on the actual structures it is possible to limit the effects of segregation and discrimination towards those people.
AMT Concepts wants to inform and interpellate the actors of the political and economical world about the needs of the persons in a situation of disability, with :
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AMT Concept asbl – Miguel GEREZ
rue A.Renoir 5/4 • 1140 Evere
Tel. +32(0)2 705.03.48 • Gsm +32(0) 477.31.86.07