UGC De Brouckère

Place de Brouckère 38 — 1000 - Brussels City | 02 211 14 15 |
(0 évaluations)

Parking PRM

  • Accessible parking : No slot
Nearby ?

Parking Monnaie, only during opening hours of the shopping gallery Monnaie.

Remarks Parking

The parking is about 100 metres away from the cinema.


Remarks Entrance

Ramp in front of one of the doors.


Remarks Circulation

theatre nr. 4, 6, 7 and 8 are accessible.

Use / visit

  • Equipment avaliable : For the deaf and hearing impaired
Remarks Use

ATTENTION : although the site pretents the theatres are accessible for the auditively impaired...this still needs to be proven.

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