Sleep Well Youth Hostel

Rue du Damier 23 — 1000 - Brussels City | 02 218 50 50 | 02 218 13 13 | |
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The hostel is divided into two sections: a "hostel" section with shared bathroom facilities, and a "hotel" section with private bathroom facilities. | |

Parking PRM

  • Accessible parking : No slot
Nearby ?

Few parking spaces in the street.


  • Step(s) : Ground floor
  • Type of door : Double door
  • Opening type : Sliding



  • Elevator / Door : Yes
  • Largeur (cm) : 90cm
Remarks Circulation

In the corridors common to all floors, the doors are wide but very heavy to open.

Use / visit

  • Furniture : Table with centered foot
  • Bedrooms : Accessible
  • WC for prm : Adapted
Remarks Use

New shared toilet for PRMs: 95 cm door, 50 cm toilet height, 2 fold-down wall bars, 68 cm space under sink (storage strictly prohibited!).
Two accessible bedrooms: one for two people, the other for one person. Single bedroom: bed 55 cm high. Space under the desk is accessible, turning area is sufficient.
Bathroom: door 90 cm wide, insufficient turning area. Raised WC with fold-down grab rails on either side. Level shower with grab rail, insufficient space under sink, accessible mirror.
Dining room: located on the first floor, buffet service system, requires assistance.

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