Ibis Hotel Brussels Grand Place ***

Rue Marché-aux-Herbes 100 — 1000 - Brussels City | 02 514 40 40 | 02 514 50 67 | https://www.accorhotels.com/fr/belgium/index.shtml
(0 évaluations)

Parking PRM

Remarks Parking

Underground and public parking in the neighborhood.


  • Step(s) : Yes low
  • Opening type : Automatic
Remarks Entrance

Entrance : doorstep of +- 3 cm.

Use / visit

  • Furniture : Table with centered foot
Remarks Use

Breakfast hall : at floor-level.
4 rooms for PRM: not enough rotation space, the bed is too low, not accessible desk. Bathroom : bath with grab bars. Wrongly adapted toilet, too low and wrongly placed grib bars. Not enough space underneath the sink, not enough rotation space.

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