The Dominican Hotel*

Rue Léopold 9 — 1000 - Brussels City | 02 203 08 08 | |
(0 évaluations)

This is perfectly located if you want to visit the town and the museums. The hotel is design but very nice and soft. The rooms are big, very well decorated and the bathrooms are magnificent. The hotel is most of all quiet although it is located near the touristical attractions of the town (Grand-Place…) There are a lot of good restaurants in the neighborhood (Arcadi, Parmesan et Riccota, Pasta Queen and the famous bar La mort subite). The central station and the accessible metro De brouckère are at 5 minutes on foot. The staff is very helpful and always present.

When you make your reservation, make sure to mention your needs. The staff is entirely at your disposal to help, to make the necessary changes and to give you any explanation. The reception is excellent. The staff does not know the sign language. |

Parking PRM

  • Accessible parking : No slot
  • Type of surface : Practicable
Remarks Parking

The ground is too irregular.


  • Step(s) : Ground floor
  • Type of door : Glass door without marking
  • Opening type : Automatic
  • Signage : Not visible



  • Elevator / Door : Yes
Remarks Circulation

All common parts, inside and 1 room are accessible for wheelchairusers. Elevators : doors and interior spaces are sufficient. There are no dot writing and no numbers in Braille, no vocal announcement.

Use / visit

  • Furniture : Table with centered foot
  • Height under table (cm) : 70/74cm
  • Desk/counter : Not accessible
  • Bedrooms : Accessible
  • WC for prm : Accessible, Flat floor
Remarks Use

Toilet PRM common parts. Access hall is 1,20 m. The pan is 0,50 m, with grab bars on both sides. The entrance door is : 0,90 m.
Room PMR : the door is 0,90 m. The masterbed is 0,60 m. Desk : 0,80 m and 0,75 m space underneath. TV and telephone, Internet wifi. Italian shower : spacious with grab bar. The floor is not skidproof. Toilet in the room : pan us 0,50 m, with grab bars on both sides. Entrance door is : 0,90 m.

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