McDonald’s rue Neuve

Rue Neuve 124 — 1000 - Brussels City | 02 219 11 67 | 02 217 24 33 |
(0 évaluations)

This fastfood restaurant offers hamburgers and salads.

McDonalds is situated at 50 m of the Place Rogier. The staff is entirely at your disposal to help, to make the necessary changes, and to answer any questions you may have. The reception is excellent. The staff does not know the sign language. |

Parking PRM

  • Accessible parking : No slot


  • Signage : Visible
Remarks Entrance

2 Entrances : at floor level at the Boulevard Adolphe Max, 119-121 with automatic sliding doors . 2,00 m of free passage. One step of 0,05 m at the rue Neuve, 124 with two doors of 0,90 m. Very heavy doors with door closer with contrasting tapes for the visually impaired and distracted persons. The signposting is visible, recognisable and understandable.


  • Room : Full foot (Fully)
  • Signage : Visible

Use / visit

  • Furniture : Table with centered foot
  • Height under table (cm) : 0,73/0,75cm
  • Desk/counter : Accessible
  • Bancontact : Accessible
  • WC for prm : Flat floor
Remarks Use

The front desk is accessible for wheelchairusers and the hearing impaired. The toilets are accessible for wheelchairusers, the doorway is 1,00 m. For the heavy door with doorcloser you need to ask for the key. There are grab bars and the toiletpan is at 0,50 m of height. You can order through touchscreens with an integrated payment system (ATM). Screen at 1,20 m, underneath 0,40 m, keyboard and ATM at 90 cm of the ground. The table is 0,28 m deep.

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