bfresh pasta bistro, natural wine bar,
craft production workshop using local, organic, organic and healthy raw materials
Chaussée d'Ixelles 308 Elsense Steenweg
Remarks Parking1 longitudinal car park (parallel to the pavement) of 6 m x 1.30 m, on flat paving stones, asphalt, concrete, stabilized dolomite
Transversele slope (%):3,5 -Slope (%):5
Street number not found/ absent
External and internal rotation area: 1.40 m/ 1.20 m
no doorbell, no door phone, no video phone - NO inclined plane
Seat available for the public;
1 floor open to the public, staircase: 13 steps with no contrast, of 18 cm - handrail from ONLY ONE side of the staircase
tables with 4 legs with a distance between the legs of less than 85cm; depth under the tables: 62cm
Counter without lowering, height: 1.05m
Emergency door: different from the entrance door > 79 cm