Basilix shopping Center

420, avenue Charles Quint — 1082 - Berchem-Ste-Agathe | 02 468 03 00 |
(0 évaluations)

Shopping Centre with over 60 shops.

Parking PRM

  • Accessible parking : Reserved slot
Remarks Parking

Reserved parking spaces: on the roof and in the underground parking. The underground parking is recommended because of the elevator, the access to the elevator at rooflevel has 2 steps.


  • Opening type : Automatic
Remarks Entrance

The pedestrians’ entrance to the gallery goes through a steep slope with an automatic door on the right, on the side of the Avenue Charles Quint.


  • Room : Full foot (Fully)

Use / visit

  • WC for prm : With help
Remarks Use

1 telephone accessible and 1 toilet with assistance located at level 1.

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