Resto 26

Place Sainte Catherine 26 — 1000 - Brussels City | 02 218 62 83 | 0490 19 07 42 | 02 218 62 83
(0 évaluations)

French and Belgian cuisine – Specialized in quality meat.

formerly the Babeko |


  • Step(s) : Yes low
  • Hight of step (cm) : 4cm
  • Opening type : Door swing inward
  • Width (cm) : 90cm


Remarks Circulation

The beautiful cellar is sadly not accessible.

Use / visit

  • Furniture : Table with centered foot
  • Height under table (cm) : 72cm
Remarks Use

The toilets are situated on the ground floor, no leveldifferences. There is a PRM toilet available, the sitting height however is 0,43 m. Terrace in the front is accessible through a very steep inclined plane.

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