Eat SUSHI Bruxelles

Place du Champs de Mars 5 — 1050 - Ixelles | 02 207 15 70 |
(0 évaluations)

Eat SUSHI is situated at the Porte de Namur and offers you real Japanse food in a modern interior.
The Sushi and Maki are prepared with care. You can go for take-out or delivered at your house.

The staff does not know the sign language. |

Parking PRM

Nearby ?

Il n’y pas de parking réservé à proximité.


  • Step(s) : Ground floor
Remarks Entrance

Entrance clients restaurant : 7, Square du Bastion
2 doors of 0,95 m of free passage, 1 to push that is very heavy and a sliding automatic door.


Remarks Circulation

Inside it is easy to circulate and enough space (halls : 1,50 m))
The door is 0,90 m.

Use / visit

  • Furniture : Table with centered foot
  • Height under table (cm) : 73 au dessus 74cm
  • Bancontact : Accessible, Movable
  • WC for prm : Flat floor
Remarks Use

The counter of the bar is accessible for wheelchairusers and for the hearing impaired
The toilets are accessible for wheelchairusers, passage is 0,90 m.
There are grab bars and the WC is fixed at 0,45 m of height.
The depth under the table is 0,30 m.

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